This evening, a battered group of adventurers emerged from the infamous Wave Echo Cave, one known as the Mine of Phandelver. Accompanied by a goblin and a young tiefling, they freed the young Nundro Rockseer, the younger brother of Gundren Rockseer, famous goods trader. Who these adventurers are remains unknown, yet their influence can be seen throughout the town of Phandalin.
The Redbrands have left the streets of the small town for over a week. Missing people have returned to their homes. The whispers of necromancy have vanished. Were all these issues related to each other? Sister Garaele from the shrine of Tymora seems to believe so.
"Our problems started vanishing one by one when a group of young adventurers appeared", she confided. "However, they seem to be quite an... eccentric group. While their dragonborn seems to be missing some social skills, I have a particular interest in the sorcerer that accompanies them. Lady Luck certainly seems to favor him, both in favor of him and not. I trust this group."
How far does their influence reach, and what will they liberate next? With the rising tensions between the Drow and the other races throughout Evira, these may be the heroes we were waiting for to save us from the uprising the dark elves seem to be planning.
For now, the adamantine mines seem to be useable once again. However, precaution has been advised from mayor Harbin Wester when visiting this site.
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